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Grand Jury Selection


Understanding Grand Juries: Selection Process and Historical Origins

Selection Process

To determine eligibility, the court sends prospective jurors a questionnaire to complete and return. Grand jurors are then randomly selected from those found eligible based on their questionnaire responses.

Federal Grand Juries

In the federal system, grand juries consist of 16 to 23 individuals, randomly chosen from voter registration and other sources. They serve terms of up to 18 months and typically attend court for only a few days per month.

Regular Trial Juries

Regular trial juries are composed of 6 or 12 individuals, depending on the case.

Historical Origins

The grand jury has a long tradition dating back to the Magna Carta in 1215, where it was recognized as a constitutional right. The first English grand jury comprised 12 knights or other elite citizens.

Functions of a Grand Jury

Grand juries are tasked with determining whether there is sufficient evidence to indict (formally charge) a person with a crime. They review evidence presented by prosecutors and decide if there is probable cause to believe a law has been violated.

Importance of Grand Juries

Grand juries play a vital role in the criminal justice system by: * Ensuring that citizens have a role in the judicial process. * Providing an impartial and diverse perspective on potential criminal cases. * Safeguarding the rights of individuals accused of crimes.

